Let's Eliminate Obstacles in Education

Let's Eliminate Obstacles

in Education

  • 200 $

  • 500 $

  • 800 $

  • 1000 $

  • 1500 $

  • 5000 $



Accessible Education Foundation, as of 12.06.2015, due to financial inadequacies, Scholarship support is provied for our students who have difficulties in continuing their education. We have started by supporting the projects. You can also contribute to the future…

Barrier-Free Education Foundation


Barrier-Free Education Foundation (ENEV); It derives its founding philosophy from the sense of goodness and benefit it wants to offer to humanity and nature. Our foundation was established with this philosophy; It aims to serve the development of society in the fields of education, health and culture, and to introduce young people to high technology, advanced techniques and current scientific developments at international standards by providing contemporary, efficient and effective education services to young people.


The Accessible Education Foundation was established on 12.06.2015 to support education.

To The Future

The letter receiverd by our Foundation in the status of tax exemption on 02.06.2021 earned the the right for it.


Promotional Video


We owe it to the future and our youth, it is our duty to try to pay this debt together…